

Speaker’s Showcase: 6 Q&A with Blagovest Belev

Our next speaker is one of the founding members of the Bulgarian Bitcoin Association. Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for Mr. Blagovest Belev! Who are you? I am the founder of BlockChain.bg, early cryptocurrency investor, previously co-founder of Tavex Gold&Exchange interested in the future of money and evolutionary psychology. Why did you decide…

Speaker’s Showcase: 6 Q&A with Emiliyan Enev

We are starting the week with another set of inspirational words from our next speaker – Emiliyan Enev. His area of expertise is the re-engineering of processes based on blockchain technology. He analyzes existing systems and remodels them into more efficient and automated setups with intrinsic security. Identifying and testing new business models on top…

Speaker’s Showcase: 6 Q&A with Asen Kovachev

We have another inspiring person (a decentralist and a libertarian) as a speaker at our #LibertyBits2018 conference. Ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause for Mr. Asen Kovachev. Who are you? While I’m a software engineer by trade, you could say I’m a decentralist. I have over 30 years of software development experience. I’m…

Speaker’s Showcase: 6 Q&A with Nana Karlstetter

Today we are pleased to introduce you Dr. Nana Karlstetter. She is working on structures and functionalities for sustainable transformation. She develops and manages projects mostly in the fields of digital security/free software and resilience/climate change. Nana has studied Philosophy, Mathematics, and Psychology and holds a Ph.D. in Applied Economics. She has decades of experience…

Speaker’s Showcase: 6 Q&A with Radoslav Penchev

Next in the spotlight is another speaker from our Blockchain section: Radoslav Penchev. He is a blockchain advocate and Product Owner at Propy responsible for the product vision, direction, and development. His goal is to demystify blockchain technology for the public by finding the golden mean between consumer needs and good technical solutions. Here he is in…

Speaker’s Showcase: 6 Q&A with Elena Lalova

Next in line is another great professional and a charming lady as well – Mrs. Elena Lalova. Her talk will cover various aspects of the off-grid concept, showcasing some use cases and success stories from her own experience. So here she is. Who are you? I am Elena Lalova, Head of Mini-Grids Division at International…

Speaker’s Showcase: 6 Q&A with Natalia Aleksandrova

In our second blitz interview, we would like to introduce you Natalia Aleksandrova. As you may already note from our speaker’s section, Natalia is a Business Developer for energy utilities at MClimate (a manufacturer of smart home devices and solutions). She studied macroeconomics, marketing, and journalism. All her professional career is connected with the development…

Speaker’s Showcase: 6 Q&A with Ivan Vankov

We are only two months away from the first of its kind tech conference in Bulgaria LibertyBits. Time really flies and we are eager to share so much more with you. The number of speakers is growing and we thought that you would be interested to find out more about them. Therefore, we are launching…