Simona Macellari is a libertarian, Bitcoin maximalist and Cypherpunk enthusiast, who works as Chief Operating Officer at BHB Network and at BlockchainLab GmbH.
Simona comes to BHB Network and Blockchainlab after working as associated partner at The Innovation Group, Advisory boutique, Research Analyst at MEDAlics – Research Centre for Mediterranean Relations, and advisor at THINK! The Innovation Knowledge Foundation. Before that, She served as EMEA Manager Research and Consulting at Financial Insights, an IDC company, where she participated to the start up and leaded the research and consulting activity for capital markets and insurance industries and co-leaded the banking industry one. Before joining Financial Insights, she served as a manager for Practice Finance within IDC’s consulting division. She has developed a deep and broad experience with high technology companies and financial services, having taken an active role as project leader in many consulting engagements that have supported strategic decisions of clients in the financial services sector. Before that, Macellari worked as a strategic marketing consultant for several IT companies in Italy and as a soft commodities broker in London.
Simona holds a university degree in Law, majoring in Economic Law, from University of Perugia, and an MBA, majoring in Information Systems, from SDA Bocconi in Milan.
Talk Title
Tumbling down the rabbit hole
What the word really is like and how deep the rabbit hole goes to pursuance anonymous transaction systems.